Sunflower Beauty Bouquet Details
Like an ocean sunset, this bold bouquet of radiant sunflowers and orange roses in a hand-blown art glass vase invigorates the soul!
Light orange roses, white alstroemeria, and medium yellow sunflowers are arranged with grevillea and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase. Approximately 18 1/2" W x 20 1/2" H
The scale of the arrangement should determine the type of substitution acceptable, but the substitution must be of equal or greater value and must maintain the style and color harmony of the original order.
Light orange roses, white alstroemeria, and medium yellow sunflowers are arranged with grevillea and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase. Approximately 18 1/2" W x 20 1/2" H
The scale of the arrangement should determine the type of substitution acceptable, but the substitution must be of equal or greater value and must maintain the style and color harmony of the original order.